Wednesday, September 22, 2010

HVAC Issues Again

The aging Library building and its systems strike again:

The HVAC problem is with the valves that control the flow of refrigerant in Unit 1, which cools the northeast quadrant of the building. This is one of four units that cool the building. The Library's HVAC contractor is working to isolate the issue and hopefully replace just the valves rather than the whole compressor unit (which would entail a crane and huge expense). Of course, this is not under warranty.

In the meantime, Unit 1 has been bypassed for cooling but the fans/blower will continue to run. That should keep the affected areas at a reasonable temperature until the full repairs can be made. With the weather forecast for tomorrow, I'm grateful for that.

The ongoing expenses of the aging building and its systems are having a negative impact the operating budget. The boiler needs repairs prior to the beginning of the heating season. Keep your fingers crossed that the elevator doesn't break down again too...

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