Monday, July 21, 2008

Planning for expansion - now what?

The next step in planning for library expansion is to create a building program. This is an elaborate set of instructions to the architect about exactly what the library needs in terms of sizes, adjacencies, etc. The Space Needs Analysis will provide the basis of gross square footage for each area.

The development of the building program will be accomplished in 3 site visits with building consultant Anders Dahlgren. Representatives of Healy Bender Architects will participate in these visits to gather information on the needs and priorities of each department.

In the first visit, the library's management team will meet with the building consultant for a global overview of the needs and to review collection development goals and distribution of collections.

In the second visit, staff from each department will meet with the building consultant to focus on the needs of their department. Space Needs worksheets will be completed to reflect the results of those discussions.

In the third and final visit, staff from each department will review the Space Needs worksheets and discuss any additional needs or concerns for the space. At the end of the final visit, the management team will review the physical relationships among library departments and their needs.

When the final building program is complete, schematic design will begin. The next opportunities for community input will occur during the design phase.

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